Tuesday 24 February 2015

Counting in Maths this week

This week, we're learning about how we need to build up our counting skills.  We need to keep practising so that we can start at any number and count by any multiple.  For example:

Can you start at 13 and count by 6?
What strategies do we use to make sure we're not counting by 6 (for example) out loud while we're counting by 1's in our head?  Can we see any patterns when we count by particular amounts?
If you're looking for a way to practise at home, we're doing a simple activity at school this week. 
  • Draw two playing cards from a deck
  • The first number is your starting number for counting
  • The second number is the amount your counting by
If you think you've got the hang of counting up by any multiple, try some of these:
  • Do the same activity, but counting backwards
  • Count by decimals, eg instead of starting at 5 and counting by 3's, can you start at 0.5 and count by 0.3?

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